Daily Create: Transit Map of Betrayal, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus

I did the Daily Create for September 3, 2014.

Transit Map of Betrayal, Crucifixion, and Resurrection of Jesus

Despite the fact that I’ve moved away from the church in recent years, I felt compelled to make this Biblical story into a transit map. I know it’s a pretty simplified version of what occurred as there probably could have been more auxiliary routes besides just Judas’. Still, I think it’s really interesting to look at this story and see the chain of events in such a manner. Plus, I think the transit map style really works for such a series of events as the church often has its members experience it through events like Stations of the Cross  or Tenebrae services. The story has become fractured, which church-goers appearing at church for the events of the specific day: Palm Sunday, Ash Wednesday and/or Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday.