The Wire, Minimalist Style

For my third design assignment this week, I did “Minimalist TV/Movie Poster” (3.5 stars). I chose this because I figured it would be easy to do for The Wire, it’s about drugs.

How I did it:

So I went on The Noun Project and searched “drugs” and came up with Drugs by Ed Harrison which I thought looked good. Then I toyed with the idea of putting the Baltimore skyline in the background but that would defeat the whole minimalist thing. So I went with red because red was a big theme in the first season. All I had to do was resize the drugs picture to fit the red. Then I went on and downloaded a font called Delius and had to restart GIMP so the font would show up. Then I added the words and resized them until they looked good to me. Then I exported it. Unfortunately I forgot that I needed to make it specific to these three episodes so I put it up on Flickr and Twitter and the Hub via Known. Then I realized that I didn’t make it from these three episodes. So I changed the tagline to what Sobotka said in Episode 11, “I need to get clean.”

Here is the finished product:

The Wire: Minimalist Style #wire106 #designassignments #designassignments43