Brain Storm Idea

“You need to brainstorm an idea for a 20-30 minute Wire-themed radio show”

Thinking about the coolest thing that I could do for the Wire-These Radio Show…. I really liked how groom played the bumper of different people saying D.S.1.0.6 but put it all together, I really liked that. But something that could go on the Radio Show would be like an reenactment of a particular TV show’s ending. For example if you watched Season 3 eposoide 5, before you watched episode 6 you have a Blog Post, Audio, or maybe your own Video of what you think the next episode would be and then watch that and then compare, how you thought the video was but then how it really was. Getting this on the Wire Radio Show is for everyone to talk about what season and episode they whose to do and talk about how they thought the next TV show would be and how it really was and then compare that to other classmates if it was the same episode or not, It should all still be Fun.