Week 6: Design and Intention

On Friday’s video discussion about The Wire, we were asked an intriguing question: What separates the visual element from the element of design? And to me, the difference lies in intention. When looking into inspiration for my visual assignments, I could rely on anything that caught my eye. Natural color, …

Wire106 Epigraph

For my final design assignment of the week, since I only need a few more stars of Wire related design work, I decided to make an alternative epigraph that applies to this class.

This quote is from the season one finale and is addressed to Carver. However sometimes I feel …

Wire106 Epigraph

For my final design assignment of the week, since I only need a few more stars of Wire related design work, I decided to make an alternative epigraph that applies to this class.

This quote is from the season one finale and is addressed to Carver. However sometimes I feel …

Designing a custom banner

For another Wire based design assignment, I made a new banner for this blog! Considering that the previous banner was a generic provided one, I wanted to actually make a custom one that fits the idea of the site. And since our focus this semester is The Wire, I decided …

A Look at the Vignelli Canon

When it comes to design, I adore either the minimalistic or colorful approach. I try to get enough information and intent across in as little as possible, while using color to make everything more vivid and memorable. It’s something I appreciate about road signs. They use minimal geometry to get …