The Divergent Games

I did the Movie Trailer Mashup Assignment worth 4.5 stars.

I dowloaded both the Divergent and Hunger Games trailers from Youtube and imported them into iMovie.

Next, I broke up the trailers into the scenes they featured from the movies, and tried to find similar scenes between the two trailers. …

Basic Braid Time Lapse

For the Activity Time Lapse assignment, worth 3.5 stars, I chose to make a time lapse video of me braiding my hair in a basic side braid. I used the time lapse feature on my iPhone to record it. However, that made the time lapse 4.0 seconds long. So, on …

Much Swede.

Maggie and I decided to so our swede on Season 3, Episode 11 of The Wire. We wanted to try to include as much as  the plot as we could, so we broke the episode down into 13 main scenes. Next, we planned out the days we’d shoot, the times, …

Jess’s Flag

If I were to have a flag, this is what it’d look like. A little complicated, but very representative of myself.

Reflection on Fritz Lang’s M

To provide tension, Lang shows the importance of time. We see the mother look up at the clock when it is noon and we know that something is important at noon. Then we see the little girl from the beginning coming back from school. We can infer she is on …