Look, Listen, Analyze: Dennis and His Boxing Gym

Lucky for me, someone has already uploaded the scene I wanted to analyze onto Youtube, so you can watch the scene here:

1. Analysis of the camera work:

The scene begins with Dennis looking up at the city government building. He looks tiny compared to the building, and I believe …

Halloween Oranges

TDC1027: Take a Halloween Color Walk!

My collage consists of shades of orange since it is Halloween. In the collage yo see flowers my boyfriend got me, my indoor pumpkins, the card my mom made for me, and the flame string lights we have hanging up in our apartment!

Inspired by Video Games

I loved Lauren’s mashup trailer for Dishonored Creed. She took two video trailers and combined them into what looks to be a really fantastic game.

I don’t play video games very much since I’m not very good at them, but I do love seeing how the trailer for the games …

Inspired by Setting Fire to the Rain

I loved Maggie’s music video featuring clips of McNulty from The Wire with Adele’s song “Set Fire to the Rain.” I thought it was really clever since Adele’s songs are always dramatic and McNulty, himself, is a drama queen in my opinion. I loved how the emotion of the song …

What is in a Name?

Jessica Claire Reingold
October 27, 2014

I think I got lucky with my name…or maybe my mom is just really good with words….see my name, my first and middle name at least, flow nicely. Apparently I’m named after my aunt since her name started with a J and one of …