Business vs. Family: The Wire Season 2, Episode 7 Analysis

The Florist

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All the red and purple reminds me of the colors seen outside the funeral home where Avon’s business is being run now.

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I love how it looks like this angel is spying on Bodie. I wonder if any trouble is going to rise from his purchase at the florist, as he did have a big wad of cash on him. Also, check out the cell phone and gun flower wreaths.

Prison Product Placement

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Big Gulps in prison. Also some other kind of takeaway. Still looks more like college. Also, notice how Wee-bey and Avon look VERY similar in this shot. They seem to be on the same page about D’Angelo’s death.


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Another great moment regarding technology and what was fancy in the early 2000s.

“Hey, Carver, isn’t technology the fucking bomb?”–Herc

The Funeral


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The red & black clothes in contrast with the Easter/ Royal colors.

Parallel Shots

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Our two “gangs” each mourning a loss.

McNulty & Daniels

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The final scenes of this episode both show McNulty and Daniels dealing with not living up to the expectations of their wives and the consequences they are now experiencing from that. We see McNulty watch as his wife disappears into the tent with their kids, only a flashlight illuminating them.

“I love the job, Marla.”

“It doesn’t love you.”

The scene with Daniels ends in a similar fashion, with seeing the light go out in an upstairs window of his house. They are both losing their wives because of their career choices and issues with trustworthiness.

I think it was also interesting how absent McNulty was throughout this episode. I enjoyed his absence.


“It breaks my heart that there’s no future for the Sobotkas on the waterfront.”–Frank Sobotka

This show has been dealing a lot with family lately, especially in how family and business/occupation intersect. This season has put a greater emphasis on the future of certain family’s careers because of technology and how it affects things.

Do the Bodies Matter

“You mean you can tap a guy’s phone when he’s selling drugs, but when he’s selling women it’s out of bounds?”–Russell

The big case of this season has really shown how little the police care about bodies and how much more interested they are in numbers, power, and money. Russell never fails to question this, even though she got into police work because it paid better.