Final Project: Jay Landsman Narrative

Jay Landsman once said, “Oh I love this job! I do!” Man I really love Jay! He’s the man! I would give him the MVP award for being the funniest character in the show. If I ever saw him, I would just be like:

These are Jay’s profiles:






He did some interactions on several social media accounts. Also he showed some proofs of his assignments that he did and as well used his accounts a bit generally. Well I wanted my narrative for Jay Landsman to go like:

Jay Landsman is a Baltimore Homicide Sergeant. He’s not a strict sergeant. He’s a really chill one. He occasionally eats food and he’s friendly with the people he works with. He isn’t that rude but doesn’t like people stealing his food. He’s really good friends with McNulty and Bunk. After giving many cases to his detectives, he decides to write a children’s book name Friendship for Life. He felt like at a young age, little kids should know how valuable friendship is to our everyday life. He designed the cover of it first. He also wanted to share how thankful he is.

Everyday he’s living, so why not at least be thankful? He wrote in 10 seconds of being thankful. He couldn’t ask for a better life. Jay has fun friends, great place to work, a boss that’s nice to him and eating food everyday. Although one day, he went to the fridge to get his food and his food wasn’t there. His reaction was like:

Shockingly someone took his food and not just his food, it was the office’s food from the refrigerator. It was so shocking that he decides to make this a case to investigate. He found the camera was broken a bit. He worked day and night to find the culprit. He found four footprints so that made there were two people at the crime scene to steal the food. He looked back at the broken security camera tape that you could see the pixels a bit. The IT guy fixes it a bit so we could see an image of who was there that took the food that night. Jay found who the culprit was by looking at the back of the person.

He then made a wanted poster for them to be caught and brought to justice. McNulty and Bunk haven’t returned Jay’s calls especially anybody’s calls. The question will remain if McNulty and Bunk will ever owe Jay and the office food again?

Hope you guys enjoyed this! Would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!