“Give Us 25 Minutes, We’ll Give You Baltimore”

summer-music_fOur group (Jonathan, Lakisha, Melinda, & me) is plugging away on our radio show. We’ve decided to do a news broadcast type show using the events occurring in The Wire as our content. We’ve all chosen different aspects of the radio show including “National News”, “Crime”, “Politics”, “Traffic”, and “Business News”. We met yesterday afternoon with Groom to discuss the different aspects that needed to be covered and to get ideas for the bumper and intros for each news segment. I followed up with an email to the group last night outlining the details of our meeting. Melinda is working on the bumper and we are all working on our individual segments. The plan is to get them all to Lakisha by midnight and then she and I will take all of the segments to the tutoring center Friday morning to get them meshed together. If it is needed, we will take it back to Groom on Sunday to fine tune it before it is due Sunday night. I have a feeling that problems may arise when it comes time for editing but we will know that by Friday morning for sure.