Good Looks: Week 5 Recap

I really enjoyed the visual week. I’ve never felt that my photography skills were anything incredible, so it was fun to try and improve them and play around with visuals. I also really enjoyed analyzing things visually.

The Wire Episodes

Here are my blog posts for season 2 episodes six, seven, and eight.

 Visual Assignments

Rainbow Showcase

Triple Troll Wire Epigraphs

Classic Album Makeover

10-Step Photo Challenge

Daily Creates

September 25

September 26


Here is my very lazy photoblitz with my rather snarky commentary.

Watching Episodes of The Wire Live

I watched episode 7 live and participated in the live tweeting. It was a really fun experience and definitely helped with figuring out what was important to discuss in the next day’s discussion.


I really love how focused the discussions have been lately. It really makes them flow better and they work well with what the week’s focus is. I think they are much more smoother and not as full of awkward pauses because we’re choosing things to discuss beforehand and thus have an idea of what we’re going to be looking at and talking about.

Wire106 Lunch

Well I ended up being the only one who went to the lunch on Thursday, so that was hella rad, but now that I’m going to be working in the Digital Knowledge Center, I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to go to lunch, which is a bummer. Still, the lunch was super awesome and Chipotle never disappoints!