Inspired by Trolling #2

My second and definitely not my last inspiration of the week goes out to Melinda’s “Triple Troll Epigraph” assignment. I’m in the pattern of choosing inspiring posts on assignments i never did. This assignment was a little scary to me. It involved a lot of thinking and  creativity. As we all know, i don’t like to do either of those things. What inspired me the most from this assignment was the quote. It was perfect. Like Melinda says in her post, it’s from McNulty when he was taking a ton of shots. I mean, even though he’s drunk, he’s still on point. Now, I think this quote fits the scene perfectly. The situation that Daniel’s and his wife are in works with the quote. He can do multiple things if he gets fired or demoted. Now, the Bubbles part at the end kind of confuses me but when i read Melinda’s explanation, it works. Bubbles would say that. I mean, he’s really optimistic for someone who’s addicted to Heroin and almost homeless. So, why not? Melinda’s triple troll was great and inspirational, obviously.

Here’s Melinda’s Triple Troll Epigraph!

Triple Troll Bubbles