Listen and Learn

Brainstorming for Wire 106 Radio

I have to admit that I’m getting used to working with GIMP. It’s a really fun program! I made the logo below for Wire 106 Radio using GIMP, images downloaded from the web, and fonts downloaded from DaFont. My “schedule” for the segments that would occur during a 20-30 Wire 106 radio show included a lot of live tweet feedback from listeners. After reading Professor Groom’s critique, I realized that this show idea is entirely too “live.” Perhaps the show can include pre-recorded Q&A, or discussion segments. Read my full show idea here.

Learning About Sound from Jennifer Ralston

Listening to Professor Groom and Professor Bond’s interview with Sound Editor for The Wire, Jennifer Ralston, was fascinating. For me, it opened up a whole world of sound recording, planning, and editing that I wasn’t aware was so difficult in series. Usually, as a viewer, we just focus on what is going on in the show, not on the sounds and visuals that contribute to how the show is conveyed to viewers. Read my full reflection on the interview here.

All The Single Ladies (Audio Assignment #1)

Browsing through the DS106 Audio Assignments, I found Greatest Hits Storytelling and was immediately excited to start playing with Audacity to complete the assignment. Read the full assignment reflection and see the finished product here, or listen below:

Wake-y Wake-y, Eggs and Bake-y (Audio Assignment #2)

Reading and listening to an example from the Audio Assignment “What’s the Story Morning Glory?” felt like a really fun assignment to complete. Even playing back the recordings, it’s like a game trying to guess what the sound effects indicate as to what I’m doing. Listen to the sounds of m morning here.

What song brightens your day? (Audio Assignment #3)

For my last assignment, I decided to ask six individuals what particular song brightens their day and the responses are both funny and enlightening. Listen to what they said here.

Daily Creates

September 17, 2014Gotta Have My Cake
September 19, 2014Meet Paddington, the Chunky Chihuahua

Watching The Wire

Season 2, Episode 3: Watching this episode and focusing on visual elements, I saw several scenes that reminded me of Professor Groom’s explanation of the “frame within a frame” shots throughout an episode of Season 1. Although there were a few that occurred throughout this episode. I took screenshots of the shot of McNulty outside his wife’s front door, and the shot of Avon Barksdale through the window of his prison cell.

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Both shots create a neat “outside looking in” effect, and show a parallel between these two characters. McNulty in his shot is pushed out (or “locked out”) while Avon Barksdale is “locked in.”

Season 2, Episode 4 and 5: I loved the bittersweetness of the reunion in this episode. After Cedric Daniels demanded what members he wanted back on his team and after the team finally met up in their new office, there was a new sense of familiarity. Unlike Season 1, where Kima was always frustrated with Herc and Carver, and where Prez was looked down upon for his screw-ups, the reunion in Season 2 was light-hearted and friendly. You could definitely tell that there was some camaraderie between the team members. The only piece that they (and the viewer) felt was missing was Jimmy McNulty.

I was surprised to see Stringer Bell in a different setting, attending classes and asking his professor questions. It was an odd scene to watch because the viewer was aware of Stringer’s line of work and intentions, but his professor is unknowing as to why Stringer wants these questions answered. Stringer appeared professor-like himself when he was educating those in The Pit about the exact thing he had discussed with his own professor. As Stringer becomes smarter in the drug game, and as that knowledge is passed down, I feel that the Barksdale crew will start to rise back up.

I really enjoyed watching the mirror-effect of the dinner scenes with Kima Greggs, Cedric Daniels, and their wives. The scenes show the same reactions between the two couples, and is quite comical.



Started to form my group for the radio show project!

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Jessica’s thesis sounds really interesting!

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I totally agree with Lauren…

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