Radio Blog

My group is on our way towards completing the radio show. Travis, Nick, and I met briefly to discuss what we wanted to do. We decided on a “What Would You Do?” theme for our show. We want to ask questions about what each other would do if we were in a character’s shoes. For example, if you were Bubbles and needed a quick fix, who would you go to? We have been communicating through a Google Doc. We put up our questions so we can give each other feedback. In addition to the discussion, we want to add in some music and a commercial too. Travis and I discussed incorporating a Hammerjack’s commercial into it. We’re still thinking. We are also trying to figure out how to record. Nick thinks he can get his hands on a microphone. If he can’t, I think we can just use an iPhone. We want to do the radio show in person rather than on Google Hangout so that we don’t have to worry about the internet not connecting. Our group is trying to meet up tomorrow or Thursday to talk about questions and hopefully start recording!