Reverse Blues

DS106ers might find this easy…

I chose to do the assignment “Reverse Audio Quiz” (2.5 stars) as I already had a song in mind to use. To reverse the audio, I downloaded an MP3 file of the song and uploaded it to Audacity. After selecting the entire song clip on Audacity, I applied the Reverse effect then trimmed the excess noise in the beginning and end (or because it is reversed, end and beginning?) of the song. I won’t give any big hints, but you’ll probably be able to identify the song right away. Below are a couple of vague (but relevant) hints!

  • The Pit
  • Walking through the garden
  • Two
  • Have any idea what it is? If you’re still not sure listen to the reversed audio below:

    I honestly was afraid that reversing the audio would reveal some kind of demonic sounding, scary illuminati voice (like all of those reversed song videos on YouTube) but the reversed song still sounds pretty similar to what it does normally.