Sounds Like a Fun Time: Week 4 Recap

I was a bit worried about how this week would go, as audio just freaks me out. I hate the sound of my own voice. I know that I have a very poor sense of rhythm. Audio and I have never been friends. But it actually wasn’t so bad. I was happy that I could pick three assignments, while difficult, didn’t seem to be too hard or require me to listen to my own voice for hours on end.

The Wire Episodes

Here are my blog analyses for episodes three, four, and five of season 2.

Daily Creates

September 17

September 18

Thoughts & Ideas

Jennifer Ralston Interview

Radio Show Idea


I decided not to do either of the suggested assignments, because I wasn’t sure I was that confident with my audio abilities to try something like making a bumper that might be used on DS106 Radio. Instead, I thought I’d learn Audacity through trying my hand at audio assignments that allowed me to play around with songs. I really enjoyed the opportunity to do creative things with songs and artists I really enjoy.

Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Discussions & Live Listening

I found the audio-focused approach to analyzing this week’s episode was really interesting and made me consider and look at the show in a different way. I really liked how structured the discussions felt this time around; there weren’t as many awkward silences or trouble figuring out what was being discussed or what should be discussed. I also liked that each person got to pick something to discuss.

I listened to one of the episodes over the radio and participated in the live tweeting.  I always love live tweeting things with a group of people, because the interactions are always really fun and a lot of interesting ideas can be fleshed out quickly and with a variety of perspectives engaged. I’m also really glad that I saw the episode before I listened to it, because I think I could really understand the importance of sound knowing what all was going on and seeing how sound either really made the scene or didn’t quite carry the whole moment.


I finally got to commenting. It gave me a good reason to see what everyone’s thoughts were on the radio show. I am definitely going to try and do more commenting as the weeks go on. I think this was a first good step into being more social and active in the community in a way that I am usually not active. I really do prefer Twitter, but I also see the value of commenting on people’s blogs, because blogs are supposed to be another way for people to converse and share ideas over the internet. If we didn’t comment on blogs, then they’d be serving the same purpose as a book. The conversation really is what differentiates the blog from a book.

The Wired Child – A Brainstormed Radio Show

“Omar Back” — “Who’s Omar?”

Radio Ideas: What is a Wire?

Ideas About Ideas