The Big Picture

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

Once more we are back at the end of yet another thrilling week.A lot has happened this week for all of us, and I must say it has been fun despite me being sick. But anyways, enough of me yammering about my health, here is a breakdown of what has been going on.


The Wire

This week’s episodes of the wire were all rather thrilling. I was very happy to see the Lieutenant finally get McNulty on the case; I can’t wait to see who he can piss off in the weeks to come. I am also happy to see that Bunk is now on the team as well. His personality is just down right hilarious at times (seriously, pissing on a railroad while talking with McNulty); furthermore, who can forget him coming into work wearing sweats. I especially like Lester’s comment on his lacrosse sweat shirt. Kima and Daniel’s situation with their partner/wife is also continuing to get more interesting. The expression Kima’s partner had when she was shown the type of container where the dead women were found somewhat confused me. At least on my computer (resolution for videos is kind of meh), it looked like she fully understood why Kima took the assignment, but at the same time it did not look like that. Meanwhile, Daniel’s wife is under the impression that he should have just left rather than jump back into this mess. On another note, I did get an “Oh $#!%” moment when the tennis ball with the wire in it got destroyed. I’m curious to know if anyone else had one of those kind of feelings.

The biggest part about this week’s episodes that really stuck out to me was the situations surrounding Omar and the Barksdale Organization. Firstly, the fact that Omar shut that lawyer up was just priceless! I have been waiting for an entire season for someone to stick it to that dirt bag, and it finally happened! IT WAS SO SATISFYING!!!!  What is even more impressive is that he lied about the gun and got away with it. Omar and McNulty’s conversation at the end was just good. It was almost akin to when you do something bad and get away with a lie then your friend asks you “Did you actually do it?” and you give them an answer that eludes to saying “yeah.” The downside to this good event was seeing D’Angelo die. All he wanted was to get out of the game and start anew, but he could not do it. I think it would not have been nearly as bad if had put up a fight, but seeing him choked to death was just not a good way to go out. To make matters worse, everyone believes he killed himself, and is calling him “weak.” I am wondering will Avon find out that Stringer had him killed eventually; for that matter, I’m beginning to wonder will Stringer end up running everything one day. Stringer is becoming a very good bad guy. Not only did he have D’Angelo killed, but then he even showed up at the funeral and showed up at the house of D’s mom and acted like he did not do a thing. That’s just cold-blooded.

Lastly, the Sobotkas are really beginning to get more and more interesting. Ziggy still comes across to me as being a little punk that thinks he tough. The fact that he is upset with Nick because he does not let him handle the packages is just baffling. As Nick stated in S2E08, all he has to do is sit there and collect money; this literally means he does not have to do anything, but squirrel it away rather than just act like it’s nothing. I mean for crying out loud he threw that stack of money out of the car like it was nothing. I was more impressed no one was around to grab it! Nick is a little more interesting with each episode. From what I can tell, he seems to be using this money to try and get his life running. Between his kid, his girl, and trying to get a new house, he seems to be doing all of this shady stuff just to get ahead with them. Again, that is what I can tell; I still have some pondering to do about that. Frank, on the other hand, is always pissed off. His office is like a can of pissed off. He visually shows it, and the environment around him tends to show it. I think he has gotten wise to the cops though, which was pretty darn fast to be quite honest. Right now, he seems to be really concerned about keeping family together and safe (a theme I’m beginning to see in this series), but at the same time it begs the question as to why he continues to do these shady dealings.

I know I sad lastly, but this is just another random note. I believe I heard dogs howling during McNulty’s “booty calls.” I’m looking for those audio cues now :)

The Wire Live

These were the main things that stuck out to me as I visually saw them. For some odd reason, when there was dialogue and noise, they did not really stick out to me, but when everything was quiet, they all stuck out clearly. These assignments have actually been pretty neat experiments. Again, I had more posts, but these were the ones that really stuck out to me as the most important and note-worthy ones.

Doin’ My Dailies

Drawing of Jim Groom as A Stick Figure


As I have stated before, I am no artist, but I can draw stickfigures (barely)!

So I decided to draw Jim Groom, with lightning. For some odd reason the name “Reverend” sounds like lightning should be associated with it. Perhaps I’ve played one to many fantasy games.

Additional Thoughts

– I don’t think I have anything to add. For once this felt satisfying. I might would have made his head bigger, that seems to be a common theme.

The Noise of Sick Life


Unfortunately, I have been sick over the weekend, but I managed to capture the sounds around me. They aren’t the best, and I don’t have the best sound equipment, but it came out decently I think. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the 30 seconds of sick life.

Additional Thoughts

– Again I am sorry that I was not able to make anything more interesting for this, but I was cooped up in my room, and trying to avoid others as much as possible. What you are hearing is my fan. It actually took several attempts to capture the noise of it because it just did not come out correctly many times.

Photo Blitz Fun!

This week (more like today) I participated in my first photo blitz! It was fun to say the least and I would write more on it, but I actually tried to tell it like a small tale. So let me just put it here and let you read it, rather than me summarize it!

It started at 12:43, and I had no clue what I was going to take pictures of. So when I am typically hopeless and lost, I go for a walk. It allows me to gather my thoughts and sift out a bunch of useless ideas.

#1. Forced Perspective – make something small look big or something big look small.

That is until I ran into the world’s smallest fire extinguisher! Either that or I am getting a lot taller. I saw this one and figured this had to go in the blitz. With that all said and done, I was feeling pretty positive about how this photo blitz was going to go. I continued walking out of my dorm and cut to the back of Monroe where I found…

#2. Make an abstract or literal photo that expresses how you feel.

I feel like I am changing all the time. And it is more than just classes, phases of life, or attitude. Either that or I took the picture because I’m changing from sick back to healthy (I still feel pretty terrible :( ). Anyways, I took this picture and continued down campus, awaiting to see what pictures I could take. I passed Lee Hall and made my way towards Trinkle. It was here where I saw an interesting item, and took…

#3. How do ants see the world? Change your perspective!

You might not be able to tell, but let me explain why this one is important. That green object in the center is a cup, but not just any cup. It is a Krispy Kreme cup! Any ant would go haywire for all that sugary goodness. I figured this would be a perfect spot to get an ant’s perspective on the world. I took a moment to collect myself then I noticed that campus looked really nice today.

#4. Take a landscape photo

Truth be told, I did not know whether it meant landscape as in varied terrain or whether it meant a landscape style photo. Either way, I figured I captured some variety in this picture and it was on the way so I felt really good about this one. Unfortunately, I believe I was running out of time, and there were still three more pictures left! So I began to make my way towards a clearing to grab the next picture.

#5. Change perspective! Look up in the sky and take a photo of what’s going on.

Zilcho! Nothing is happening in the sky! It did get another picture finished, so I hurried back to the nearest building, because I really needed to find a window. This lead me back into my dorm to take yet another picture.

#6. Take a photo of a scene looking out of a window.

Unfortunately, my dorm’s windows are rather terrible and disgusting. The fountain would look much better if I could have gotten into a classroom in Monroe, but I could not. My time was running out and the last photo was not going to happen, but then I saw it! I knew it was my destiny to finish off with a bang (more like a wimper)!

#7. Take a photo of a bird today.

A reflective bird sticker was on a glass in the dorm. I was saved, and managed to get all 7 photos! Now before you get into a tizzy-fit, I looked for an actual bird, but they all seemed to be high up in trees. They weren’t being too cooperative today, but what do you really expect from birds? My alarm began to go off, and that let me know that my twenty minutes were up! Unfortunately, my friends, I must bid you farewell!

Start 12:43 – 1:03


Pictures 4 Fun!

5 Dots, 4 Lines 1 Curve

So this was an interesting assignment. The goal was to draw something using 4 lines, 5 dots, and 1 curve. I immediately thought of the classic ice cream cone you learn to draw as a kid. I had one big, pink dot, and four smaller ones as sprinkles. Add in a nice caramel curve, and the ice cream itself is finished!

Next came the cone, which required two lines to make (you can sneak an extra curve in if you used the big pink dot). I had two lines left so I decided to cross them to somewhat make a waffle cone.

That was pretty easy! I’d like to see what you can do. Speaking of which, let me know what you think!

Additional Thoughts

– This one was pretty easy and fun to do! I’m certain more artistic students can come up with some really cool things. I, on the other hand, can only think of ice cream.


<Assignment name eludes me at the moment>

One of these things just doesn’t belong here… I’m very curious to know if you can find it! This one was simple for me to make because I immediately thought about LEGO.

This did not take long to make, it just took a couple of minifig parts, the correct lighting, macro mode on a camera, and the right little illusion. Kudos to you if you can spot the difference!

Additional Thoughts

– If you can’t figure it out I will tell you the answer, but as for now, I am not going to say anything!


What’s in your Gullet?

These are the last beverages I have had over the weekend. If you are wondering why they are full, it is because I did not want to sift through my garbage to go and grab the empty bottles, especially since sick materials are the majority of my trash at the moment.

Why go with those drinks?

– Water is just plain good. You never know how much you miss it until you go to another country where the water is not so clean and all you can drink is the purified water they bring you (which I might add will run out very quickly). Dr. Pepper is just another one of those really awesome sodas that are out there. If you are on campus, Seaco actually has really good Dr. Pepper, but not the Nest. Remember that little fact!. Lastly, Mountain Dew is gamer fuel/programming fuel! It is by far my favorite soda. If I’m going to be up all night, I’m grabbing Mountain Dew!


Were any of the meals you had with them extraordinary?

– The meal I had with Mountain Dew was pretty extraordinary. I ordered Chinese since I was feeling better on Saturday and had a bottle of it with some General Tso’s Chicken. It was phenomenal! Yes I do consider this extraordinary, it is not campus food damn-it!

Who did you have them with, if anyone?

– Oddly enough, I did have each one of these drinks as I was talking with my brother over Xbox Live and watching Youtube videos. It is as close as I wanted to get to anyone while I was feeling under the weather. And before you ask, no while I was at the worst of my sickness, I was only drinking water. I literally just had a Mountain Dew yesterday and a Dr. Pepper today (although I’ve got one of each in reserve now).

That’s whats in my Gullet!

Additional Thoughts

– I must reiterate once more, I did not go digging through my trash to find the bottles since my trash is full of sick materials. Since I had additional bottles of what I drank, I just took pictures of already filled bottles. If I had seen this assignment ahead of time then I would have left them out rather than trashing them.


Larger than Life

Here is a photo of one of my fans!

This is the smaller of my two fans and this picture actually makes it seem really tall now that I look at it. I image that a minifig would see this as some form of a dark spire that possesses wind energy, but that’s just my thought on it. The lightning was not necessarily bright, but that was done to try and make this a bit of a dark picture of a towering object. Unfortunately, since this was a black object, I placed it against a white wall just to contrast it so you could clearly see that this was a fan.

Additional Thoughts

– I really need better lighting I know! I will try to get some better lights as I go along!


Wrapping Up

This week has been a blast! I have had fun. However I do have one problem that still needs to be solved.


We have a project coming up and I still need a group, so if anyone is interested or if there is a list going around, let me know so I can get on it.

Sadly though, we are at the end of another week.

See you all next weekend!
