Video Discussion: S4E13

My first video discussion of the whole semester took place on Wednesday night at 10pm. Now, sadly this was never recorded. Google was just not working with us that night, but the discussion was completed! As i’ve mentioned in my previous posts about these discussions, they were not completed in chronological order. This was my first discussion and it was of the last episode of the season So, there was a lot to talk about with this episode. Since i was not familiar with this whole process, did not have any screen shots to bring to the discussion because i didn’t know how they worked! Sadly, i realize this is a little stupid because now that i DO know how to share pictures, it’s super easy. This discussion was just a lot of open ideas. I don’t believe anyone shared any pictures but just points that they thought were important. From there, we discussed those points and our opinions on the episode and scenes that stuck out. For a first video discussion, i believe this was pretty successful. I was definitely more prepared for my next discussions. Overall, i had a better understanding of the events that took place in the episode. Ha-Za!