Week 3 No Strikes Out Here

Third week down and things are finally coming together. I created a routine for myself to better manage getting my assignments done in a timely matter. After watching Groom’s podcast of what was expected of us I printed the entire laundry list of tasks he laid out to be completed. Next I took enjoyment in watching the video by Kurt Vonnegut on the shapes of stories, haa laRIOUS!

The Wire

Of course the easiest assignment was the watching of episode 13 season 1 of The Wire as well as episodes 2 and 3 of season 2. At first I wasn’t as interested in this story line as I were with season 1, of course this is because I felt some things from that season left me with a cliffhanger effect. I was hoping to see what was to come of Omar’s return as well as what was going on with sexy ass Stringer Bell or Idris Alba, I am an enduring fan of his. After I accepted not fighting where David Simon was taking this captivating series, I realized he would not disappoint his audience and remained true to the cast members that he knew the viewer would still be wondering about.

Daily Creates

The Daily Creates seem much easier in completing. I placed myself on a schedule of attempting to do one at least every other day which seemed to ease my anxiety of getting them completed on time. I was able to bring in my own interests in with the lune poem by doing something relevant to my daily hobby, couponing! In between completing my Daily Creates I decided to go back to my blog and do some well needed maintenance. I completed my about entry, organized my entries by setting up categories, and added a menu to my header. It all looks so genuine now, I must say I am impressed with my ability to ‘DO ART DAMMIT’!


I became familiar with how Known works and began placing my tasks there; realizing that this simplified linking the work to forums where my classmates, Professor Groom, and Paul Bond could give me feedback. At first it seemed isolated but after I realized that posting here fed my work into the HUB it motivated me to put out work that I didn’t mind representing!

Assignment Bank

I ventured into the assignment bank to see what options I would have to choose from, misunderstanding the instructions relayed by Professor Groom, thinking I had to do tasks with six stars, I accepted self-defeat! After having those instructions clarified by Groom that I had to do tasks totally six stars, I now exhaled with relieve. The assignments became much more enjoyable from that point on.

Web 2.0 Storytelling

The last task for me to tackle was reading and reflecting upon Bryan Alexander’s digital storytelling chapter from his book The New Digital Storytelling. This very interesting take on social media influenced me to appreciate these forums from a different perspective. After taking the time to digest what is relayed in this chapter I posted a response in my blog Letz Chop It up located under Thoughts and Ideas.
This week was the most satisfying to me as I now understand how to use the tools available to me in what I see as very empowering. I never knew I could have this much potential when it came to technology after I tackled the intimidation I have felt from it in the pass. You know better You do better and now I’m ready to Create and DO Art Dammit!