Week 7: The fabled week

Usually in works of fiction, the number 7 shows up an exorbitant number of times as a special number. 7 years, 7 gods, 7 kingdoms, lucky 7, 7 valar, etc. The number 7 is even considered the favorite number amongst a high number of people (radiolab has a cool segment on that here.) So it’s kind of funny to me that, in terms of actual assignments, week 7 is relatively tame. I guess we have fall break to thank for that.

In any case, week 7 brought us back round to audio. In preparation for the upcoming radio project, our group met together and discussed ideas for the general theme of our show. I also contributed another radio bumper, as part of a daily create. My other daily create was a doodle interacting with it’s environment. I also decided to come up with a commercial to help pad the show as well.

In terms of other audio assignments, I played around with sound effects, and I narrated an original poem about the theme of this blog. Both assignments I feel indirectly help with gaining experiences with the radio show; one lets me play around with sound effects, and one lets me practice my narration skills.

This feels like more of a set up week than anything else. But sometimes that’s necessary, as this project will probably be very time-consuming and intensive. In the meanwhile I’m continuing to do research on the topic, in the hopes of providing as entertaining of a broadcast as possible.


Comments on other blogs:

Wire Buyers poster

UMW and Movies

Feeling Inspired….Audio Assignment

Doodle an Adventure!

Radio Promo Poster

Help Me!

Trying to Tune Into DS106 Radio

Space Oddity over Mood Indigo