Week 8: Tune in Soon

Wow. This is gonna be such a short post. And yet it was so busy in terms of ds106 work. Most of the effort this week went into editing the radio show, and that final product will be available to listen on ds106 radio! Release date to be determined. We put forth a lot of time and research into the science behind The Wire. In the end we ended up with so much recorded content I actually had to cut a lot to keep it within the time limit. But in the end I’m happy with the final result. I spent a lot of time fiddling with effects and levels on Audacity to make sure everything is synced up, volume levels are reasonable, and that overall quality is clear. Contributions from the group are detailed more in this post.

To keep in the habit, I did one daily create this week, detailing what might end up being my famous last words. Did I die in a glue factory explosion? A molasses flood? Who knows.

But my concentration is wiped out now. Everything is done, and I am just going to rest my brain. I’ll be around before the broadcast to provide some behind the scenes commentary though. So stick around for that!