You Said You Were Going to Take Care of Me: The Wire Season 4, Episode 12

This was a doozy of an episode that ultimately led to Michael, Dookie, Namond, and Randy all being displaced from their homes in one way or another.

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This was some really well done staging.

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Red, yellow, and blue.

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I love the appearance of all the Christmas decorations.

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They seem to always walk in sets of three. I like the line of lights on the ceiling and how the guy in the back is perfectly lined up with them.

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This was such a sad moment to see Dookie looking at all his stuff in a pile on the street and just walk away.

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This house is so ridiculously decorated.

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Of course the dragon lady would have a pink Christmas tree. Ugh.

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Red, yellow, and blue.

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More Christmas decorations. Also Randy is framed nicely in this shot. We also see red, yellow, and blue.

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This was such a sad moment to see Bubbles lose Sherrod, and worse that it was slightly his own fault. I’m worried about where Bubbles is headed next.

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This is a really nicely framed shot with the door in the background lining up with them walking.

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I’m amazed that they captured all these people in this shot. So well done.

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I like how Cutty is wearing a red shirt, which really stands out against the neutral colors the others are wearing. Cutty is also facing in an opposite direction. It really shows his ignorance about everything that has been going on with these boys.

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I really love that Colvin came to get Namond.

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Oh, man, this was awful to watch. Just seeing the whole scene play out was so terrible.

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I didn’t expect Cutty to end up getting shot. Terrible that it happened to him when he’s been trying so hard to do some good.

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A class shot of a person through the window on a door.

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This is just an amazing shot.

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I’m glad Randy’s okay, but Carver is going to have a lot of deal with knowing that he ultimately was unable to protect this kid when he promised that he would.

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Such an eerie and depressing shot to end the episode on.