Alive and Well

This week was a bit stressful and a little tense for me. I am starting to have a lot of work and it’s all getting in the way of other work. So I missed the tweeting this week and I really wanted to be a part of it. All I can do is try harder and do my best. For the things that I did do, I loved doing them. Being creative really helps with all of the stress that I have.

My two daily creates were the radio and surrounding sounds ones. I enjoyed doing both of them and I hope you enjoy them.

Doing the visual assignments was also fun. I love being able to express myself this way and thinking about the design and the picture is entertaining. Here they are.

The photoblitz challenge was so fun. I loved how this week their was so much picture taking and editing. Focusing on perspectives is always insightful. While I was doing my photoblitz challenge I was trying to change the way I would take the picture from it’s original form so that it was different.

The Wire never fails at keeping me interested. I love the progression of the show and hope that it only gets better. Can’t wait for this week and what it has in store.