Creations of Beauty

My first Daily Create was creating my very own logo. I decided to stick to mostly one color which is my favorite color PINK. My logo consisted of my name D.E.M.I each letter in a different font and different shade of pink, but together it was really cute and I liked it. I got the letters off of google, I just searched the letters in my name in Pink.

My second Daily Create was the Transit Map. I drew the Transit Map on the the map paper that I downloaded from the site. I really enjoyed doing this one, had to be one of my favorites dealing with drawing especially a map something that I had not drew in such a long time especially because I’m college. In my map I drew “Home” as cell phone, because that’s where I spend most of the time on the internet is on my phone. Coming out of the phone was various application that I use on a daily basses such as Instagram, Mail, Music, Couple’s App, Facebook, BB&T and Snapchat. From the phone “Home” I had my computer and the TV coming from that attached by walkways. On the TV it had netflix and on the computer I had GOOGLE, which is where I go to find everything when searching the web. I even put little clouds up at the top symbolizing “the cloud” where information can be stored.

The Third Daily Create that I created was mashing up two different sports into a new game.The picture that I posted was from Duck Dynasty. The picture was taken when the men in the office were playing basketball but they didn’t have a basketball so they just used a Frisbee to play basketball with. I would call the game Frisbeehoops.

The fourth Daily Create that I created was “What book would protect you in a protest”? The book cover was a lady on the cover and on her T-shirt it said, “I warn you, I haven’t had my coffee  yet”. All and all I enjoyed doing these daily creates and can’t wait until next week to do new ones.