One Story, 4 Icons

This design assignment was to chose 4 icons to summarize a movie or show into 4 basic icons and have others guess. Since I want to relate it to The Wire, I’m just going to let you know I chose season 2 episode 9 and explain why I picked these 4. I got these icons from the Noun Project.


I picked the gun because of the gunfight at the Westside projects where the little boy got shot through the window.

The women represents the Greek brothel that the department busted.

The duck is Ziggy’s pet whom he killed by feeding it hard liquor.

Last, the syringe symbolizing the ongoing drug deals and addicts in the episode and throughout the show.

One Story, 4 Icons

This design assignment was to chose 4 icons to summarize a movie or show into 4 basic icons and have others guess. Since I want to relate it to The Wire, I’m just going to let you know I chose season 2 episode 9 and explain why I picked these 4. I got these icons from the Noun Project.


I picked the gun because of the gunfight at the Westside projects where the little boy got shot through the window.

The women represents the Greek brothel that the department busted.

The duck is Ziggy’s pet whom he killed by feeding it hard liquor.

Last, the syringe symbolizing the ongoing drug deals and addicts in the episode and throughout the show.