“Since I Popped My Collar”

The 12th episode of the third season of The Wire continued a very good trend in being absolutely interesting. There were a couple of things that caught my interest and held them. The first of those things has to do with Bunny Colvin. From previous episodes and the build up to now it was crazy the amount of heat he was under for trying to do something good to help the city. I understand that it might not by everyone’s first choice of an effort to clean the city up but I definitely don’t think he had any bad intentions. It was just sad to see that happen to him. Of course it was anticipated but I just didn’t actually want it to happen. Another thing that caught my attention was Omar throwing his weapons out. It made my mind wonder about so many things. The fact that I know a new season is next makes it even more interesting. I immediately started to have a debate in my head about whether or not Omar would give up his lifestyle or could it be that he was trying to throw away evidence. I couldn’t come to any conclusions so I tried to stop thinking about it but couldn’t. What a great end to the season.