Week 1 Summary

During this first week of ds106 there has been a lot of work. I have created more social media accounts this week then I have ever before. I never used Soundcloud or Flickr before. I have a twitter and facebook but I do not post or share stuff on those sites very often. Maybe a few times a month I will post something. I never used a blog before so that was a first for me this week. On my Flickr account I posted 6 pictures. I was born in Baltimore, Maryland and am a huge Baltimore Ravens Fan. I have watched and supported them my entire life. I interned at Merrill Lynch this past summer at the Baltimore Harbor. I uploaded a photo of the view that I had from my office. I enjoy the outdoors and camping, which is why I uploaded a picture of a campfire. Ever since 2nd grade I have been playing lacrosse. I went to Mary Washington to play lacrosse and have enjoyed every moment of it. The final 2 pictures I uploaded were a panoramic one of Sandbridge, Virginia and the other is the sunset in St. Thomas in the US Virgin Islands. Both locations were vacation spots I went to this past summer. I uploaded a youtube video of the trailer for the movie Black Hawk Down. Black Hawk Down is by far one of my favorite movies. On my sound cloud account I uploaded the song American Kids by Kenny Chesney, but apparently I was copyrighting it so it was removed. I still need to figure a way around that. I am a huge country music fan and American Kids is one of my current favorite songs.

As for The Wire,  so far I think it has been and ok tv show. It took me a while to get into it and at first I wasn’t really excited to continue watching. I wish the first few episodes had a little more to them. I did not have that feeling of I must continue to watch it, this is such a great show. As the episodes went on I am now into it more. Being from Baltimore I enjoy seeing the “other side” of the city. My office for my internship was at the inner harbor so I was surrounded by the “good” area of the city. Even when I was younger and my parents took me to the city we never would go to the areas controlled by drugs and gangs. I think it is very interesting how they portray inner city cops that deal with those areas on a daily basis. The cops are extremely aggressive and do not seem to follow protocol. When they go into the ghetto it seems that all normal procedures go out the door and they just do whatever they like. I am interested to see how Lieutenant Daniels will be in the future episodes. After hearing the FBI agent discuss how they did an investigations on him, I am curious to see if he is a dirty cop. I think if he is dirty it could really twist the show around and make it more interesting. Over all The Wire is getting better and keeping my intention more. I hope it continues to get better and I am excited to see where the story goes.

Hopefully I have created everything I’ve needed to and done everything correctly. If I haven’t I will find out soon enough when I get graded.