A Farewell to DS106

It has been quite a semester, has it not?  Throughout the course of the semester, we has been involved in a plethora of various media and creative thingamajigs.  This post is more of a footnote than anything substantial, as it just serves as a checklist for the multitude of “non-assignment” …

All about that Bama (ROLL TIDE!!!!!)…

Hello again you s106 ruffians.  For my remix assignment, I chose to do the “Favorite Sports Paraphernalia”, remixed with “Uncle Bob”.


So, anybody that knows me knows that I am a HUGE Alabama football fan.  So when I saw this assignment, there was no question as to what I …

Movie Mashup Time!!!!!!!

Hi guys!  So for the “Movie Mashup” assignment, I decided to combine two movies I had seen very recently.  Since it it Thanksgiving week, my wife and I spent an afternoon at the theater seeing the latest installment in “The Hunger Games” series.  And, also because of Thanksgiving, we had …

It’s all in the video, yo…

Another week down….

This week was all about the video.  Let’s get right down to it:


“Swede an Episode”- For this assignment, Ien Harris and I decided to recreate the infamous scene from season 1 where Bunk and McNulty solve a previously unsolved murder while only uttering a single …

Damn…problem with the power supply again!

Hi everybody!  So for the “Swede a scene” assignment, Ien Harris and I decided to recreate the scene in season 1 where McNulty and Bunk solve a murder while only uttering a single word between themselves.  What was really amazing about this scene was the level of comfort between McNulty …

That darn variable gravity…gets you every time!

Hello again folks!  Today I decided to do the daily create “A geek magnetic poem, please?”  This was a perfect assignment for me, seeing as how in my research lab we have a set of “geeky science” magnets on our whiteboard.  I spent a few minutes playing around with combinations, …

What’s on your clothesline?

So for this daily create, I decided to imagine what would be on my clothesline right now if I used a clothesline.  Since there is a nice crisp in this Fall air, there would definitely be a football jersey and jeans hanging, and even thought they were just washed, they …

A Look Back At Some Inspiring Works…

Hello again all you ds106-ers!  This week, we were to take a look back at all of the hundreds of works created so far this semester and pick out a few that inspired us along the way.  In addition to this, all of our radio shows aired this week!  Let’s …