“Tryna Get A Buzz, Tryna Pollinate”

For my second mashup assignment I decided to do the Twittr assignment (2 stars). I used a couple of applications to create this photo. First I found the symbols on Google images and then saved them to my computer. I opened up a Pixlr app online and uploaded the Google …

Captain Remix

The great Bryan Alexander passed along this remix of Captain America: the Winter Soldier in the genre of a 1980s VHS trailer. It’s right on the mark in terms of tone, and suggests the revisiting of the Marvel super hero films is … Continue reading

Favorite Team Mashup

This assignment was funny, I enjoyed making it so much I did my tutorial on it. You can see my tutorial here. I decided to combine the three favorites teams of my household; the Redskins, the Bears, and the Capitals. You can see my process in my tutorial.

Favorite Team Mashup Tutorial

For this assignment you have to combine the logos of two or more of your favorite sports teams. The steps I used to create this are as followed.

Pick your favorite sports teams

Mine was: Redskins, Capitals and the Bears

Decide your design

I picked to have all the logos…

The Evolution of Herc

This assignment was perfect to show how much Herc has changed since season 1. Although there were so many moments I could have picked from, I picked what stood out to me the most. The first thing I remember of Herc was the incident with the desk. Then, I loved …

Kirk watches Omar

Captain Kirk Watches… | Download this scary remix of Star Trek watching Miley Cyrus and replace that twerking with something really awful. It will take some editing that allows you to insert video (in iMovie enable advanced features for Picture… Continue Reading →