A 2 in 1 Torture

I’m not sure if my title makes sense… Well, it should. 2 weeks of torture in one post! A good torture though, right? Right. Now, let’s get down to business and see what i’ve done to deserve the awesome “A” i will receive.

Daily Creates:

I’m going to go through them in order of completion. We were required to do 2 a week so being the math genius i am, that means i have 4 in total!

Sound Map

I wasn’t completely sure what a sound map was but i did it anyways. Here’s my post about it! I found cardboard at my friend’s house because they eat so much cereal. That’s a good thing because i was able to complete this. Here’s my sound map!

Tdc: sound map 1034

Create A Photo

This was my favorite daily create because mine came out so cool. I had my photography friend help me out with this. Basically you just have a long shutter speed (i think) and use a flashlight to make a shape! There are more details here in my post.

Create a Photo

What’s Your Flag?

This daily create was pretty fun. I was able to represent myself in a flag. I included 3 different flags that mean a lot to me. Well, two meant more than the other. Take a look here!

Tdc 1038

Parking Ticket

Poetry is really not my thing. This daily create was fun but i’m not impressed with my final piece. But it’s only for fun so who cares! There’s an actual thought process to this here.

In a hurry, you leave it there

It’ll only be a second, no big deal
When you return, you see that badge
A boot already around your tire
Shit! It was only a second
But it took you 10 hours to pay for that 80$ ticket
Live Tweeting
Live tweeting always tends to become my favorite assignment of the week. I usually live tweet a lot of events but being aloud to do it and not get judged is great. We didn’t have to write a blog post on this if we tweeted so there isn’t one :( I enjoy the commentary episodes because i not only get to have my comments but also people who were apart of the show. They know the real deal so it’s fun to listen! Here are some of my tweets. It isn’t letting my display them so i will link them here, here, and here!
Video Assignments: 16 Stars
Wow, 16 stars, really? I thought this would be horrible but 10 of those stars came from two assignments. This made is way less stressful. I ended up completing 5 assignments so let’s get to it!
Swede: 5 stars
I worked in a group for this assignment and it made the process a whole lot easier. I go in GREAT detail about it in my post for it here! If you’re not into reading, just watch the video i made right HERE HERE HERE.
Video Essay: 5 Stars
The video essay proved to be a little difficult. I spent more time on it than i would think. I basically wrote a novel about it right here because i just had so much to say about it! My actual video essay is  HERE HERE HERE!!
Vined It: 3 Stars
I liked this assignment because it wasn’t that stressful. I was able to show you how an average day in the life of Carmela actually goes! It’s not very exciting but it’s cool to show. Here is my post about it. I gush over how much i’m over at my friend’s house. The Vine is here is you want to see it!
Guess This Book: 2.5 Stars
While i was downtown enjoying my Saturday, i was in a cute little bookshop. It was covered in Christmas decor and i was just in the spirit already! I chose to do the “Guess This Book” assignment which i wrote about here. It isn’t a difficult guess. If you read it elementary school, you’ll know it right away. Watch it here and guess!
Capture The Beauty: 2 Stars
I ended up creating my own Video assignment which i’m thrilled about. I was really loving Fredericksburg and had some mad pride for it. What i require you to do is just capture the beauty in your local town or city. Enjoy it! For my details, read about it here. But if you want to watch the actual beauty in Fredericksburg, my Vine is perfect for that here!
Final Project
For my final project, i chose Stringer Bell, also known as Russell Bell. I thought this was a great character to choose. There are some downfalls to choosing big characters because i don’t have a lot of room to work with. His character is pretty set. But besides choosing our character, we had to create social media accounts for them! I chose the most appropriate ones for Stringer. Click on them below to follow him!