And the light at the end of the tunnel, is the light of an oncoming train.

September 8, 2014

The assignment was to tell a story of what happened just before seeing the light of the oncoming train. My first idea was to write about a person who woke up tied to the train tracks and trying to remember how they got there, but I felt that the idea was too predictable. I wanted a storyline that would allow me to be descriptive and to paint a picture for the reader. Below is my response for Monday’s Daily Create.

Rumble and Roar
(From the perspective of a girl who had lived in nature her entire life, not yet encountering modern technology)

As I continued walking down the dirt path leading me through lush grasses and tall trees, a feeling of nostalgia overcame me. The air was pure and nature was quiet, not like the smells and sounds from the “city.” It was peaceful. I kept following the path, but then I started to feel a vibration coming from the ground that stopped me in my tracks. Curiosity drove me to continue pushing through some tall bushes revealing an intimidating metal road leading into a massive stone cave where the vibrating was coming from. The rumbles and roars of whatever was nearing the opening of the cave grew louder. I stood in the middle of the metal path, scared, curious, and waiting. The creature let out a high pitched roar and all I could see was a yellow light in the distance, approaching me fast.