AudioAssignments, Audio Assignments 970, #ds106, #wire106, Sound Scapes

Sound Scapes:

This is my sound scape to take you directly to the docks of Baltimore’s ship harbor.  If you close you eyes, it will sound exactly as if an episode of Season 2 from The Wire is about to start.  I collected my sounds from  They are a mixture of sounds but I feel that they mix perfectly to form the sound that I was looking for.  I give credit to the following users on Freesound that uploaded their sounds:

Joe Deshon “Walking on a boat dock”, Northern Rebel ” Splash loop”, Dio_333 “Barcelona Port”, Snapper 4298 “Seagulls”, Hoersturz “Color Fantasy horn” (while pulling out of Oslo headed to Kiev), and Rockdoctor “Sea2″.

Each of the sounds were downloaded onto my computer from Freesound.  I then used Audacity to blend them.  Once I had them saved together, I saved them as a .wav file.  I was able to then use Soundcloud to pull the .wav file in and just added a clip art picture of the Port of Baltimore.

I really enjoyed working with audacity.  I didn’t even have a clue that such a program even existed out there like this prior to using this.  I know that there is still so much more out there to learn about Audacity.  I hope to become a pro over the semester.