New DS106 Radio Show Idea,

This afternoon, while sitting at my desk at work, I found myself deep in thought over what would be an interesting topic to talk about if I were to run a “Wire” themed radio show on the ds106 radio.  I listen all day to talk radio so I know the importance of always having a “flow” of words, ideas, etc going to keep the audience drawn in.  I feel that an audience would be draw in to hear from the actual parties that truly are on The Wire in the docks and streets of Baltimore.  I think an interview set up with head of police of Baltimore, the Union dock supervisor, and even a few detectives that walk the beat down around this area would be an outstanding interview.  Ask their opinions on the series, The Wire.  How do they feel about the episodes?  Do they or have they ever watched an episode?  (If they are able to give general information) Has there ever been any cases similar to the cases on The Wire.  Have they laughed about characters that are used in this series or do they even know of characters themselves that they know of real life individuals exactly like them.  Was anyone ever used as an consultant when HBO gather intelligence on putting together a series like this.

I think this type of interview would definitely draw “The Wire” fans in to see if there are truly Sabotkas or McNultys that are running around on the streets in “Ba-more.”

What do you think?  Would any of my classmates find this exciting also?