Checking in for the week ending 9/28/14 from the roof..

This week was all about visual.  Visual is very important but as we have learned this week, visual can be deceiving.  When we covered audio, audio allows your brain to put the pieces together of the scene that the producer is trying to portray.  Visual can be altered though.  Some of the projects that I have worked on this week will show just have far from real life that visual can be.

The first visual assignment that I worked on this week was to create a surreal panorama for 4.5 stars.  I decided to use a view from the steps of Monroe towards the fountain.  I then used images from Google to fill in the excitement.  This was a very fun assignment.

UMW exciting day

My next visual assignment that I worked on was to multiply myself for 5 stars.  This was a really challenging but fun assignment.  I took a picture of my self three times with only me moving in the picture.  I then used piZap to alter the picture and “layer” my images on the original.  It created an image that looks like there are three of me.  This was very fun to do. (excuse the messy house :))

Me Myself and I

The last visual assignment that worked on was to create using pictures “Make my day” for three stars.  This assignment involved a plan on what would actually be my favorite day.  What would I do and how do you portray this using pictures.  I gathered pictures from off of Goggle images and used them to tell the story of my perfect day.

I also completed a photoblitz this week.  This was an assignment in which you had only 20 minutes to take pictures of as many of the items on the list as possible.  I was able to get a picture of everything on my list.  This was a very fun assignment.  I had so much fun trying to portray each of the pictures.  Here is a link to the entire post..

This week since we were covering visual we also watched episodes of “The Wire” without sound.  I have to admit it is pretty confusing only using visual.  I am glad that I watched each of the episodes with sound prior to the class watching of the episodes.  If I had to go on sight alone, I would have had no idea what was going on.

There were also two daily creates that I completed this week.

The first daily create was to create our own funny image using a road sign.

Road Sign.jpg

The second daily create that I completed was the “draw your professor”  (Sorry Jim, I only had 10 minutes to do this. :))

Prof. Jim Groom0003

This week we learned how important the visual part of story telling is necessary.  I do believe though to accurately tell your story though, it is best to have visual and audio.  Visual alone can be deceiving.

Another successful week.  Looking forward to our next week.

Until next Sunday…