Coming to a close and other business

This week focused a lot on my group project. I did two update posts on the project, a preliminary post and then another once our work on the project was almost finished. I made two commercials for my group (Games and Jameson), recorded some audio for the show and I was in charge of planning out the entire show, which took a lot of work. I think we all collaborated very well and it was a great group to work with. Everyone is so smart!

The finished radio show is now up on Jessica’s soundcloud and I have included a post to it on my website that details the whole show and the team’s work on it.

I also did a fun daily create this week where I put my perfect cat video to good use and I found the Wire really interesting and made a separate post about the episodes and my last video discussion of the semester.

The radio project took up most of this week, but it was an awesome project. I’m excited to know more about how to make and use audio and I feel a lot more comfortable. I’m interested to see what the weeks to come in ds106 will bring.