Rowing to Inspiration

One of Blindside Archive’s assignments inspired me after I decided what assignment I wanted to work on. I saw the assignment Row Row Polyphony and thought it would be an interesting thing to complete. However, I was slightly baffled as to how and what I wanted to do for the song to have it overlap each other. Blidside Archive’s went about doing Row Your Boat by using, what I presume was, his own voice. Then I loved how he just used audacity to change the layers to make them harmonizing one another. I definitely agree with his blog post that lining the tracks up so they hit key parts simultaneously was not easy. I had a hard time trying to find a song that was cool but easy to harmonize. Let’s just say the newer songs do not work well with that. I decided to go back to my childhood roots and do the Itsy Bitsy Spider. I tried singing it but I am not Beyoncé, so I stuck with a pre-recorded version. Hearing Blindside Archive’s completed song gave me the confidence of using a childhood song that we are know very well. Blindside Archives did not upload it to soundcloud so I am unable to embed it into this post, or atleast I dont know how to but here is a link to his blog post.

Row Row Polyphony

And to mine

Incy Wincy Spider