The first daily create i decided to do was “Make a Shoefie for Howard”. Now, must of you might be thinking “Shoefie?” does such a word exist? Apparently it does. I assumed i would have to take a picture of my shoes. I have so many pairs. Would i take this moment to pick my coolest pair and show it off to the DS106 world? Or would i be more modest and just pick whatever. Well, i went with me just being lazy. I took a picture of my favorite “mocs” or “mocks” or how about just moccasins. They’re not the fanciest kind. I bought them from a fancy store called “Target” but you pronounce it “Tar-Jay” because it’s fancy. Also, for you Doctor Who fans out there, i’m wearing a pair of Dalek socks because THEY’RE FREAKING AWESOME! Here are my shoes. Gosh.

TDC 1047