So Close I Can Smell The Ending – Week 13-14

For these 2 weeks there was a lot of work to complete and although I had 2 weeks to do it I completed most of the assignments over break which sucked but I was too busy before break.

First we had 8 Stars of Mashup Assignments:

NFL ESPN Fantasy Logo

Baltimore Sports Logo


We Also Had to Complete a Remix

  • Fonzie ID Remix – for this I did the assignment of creating an ID of someone but the remix was to add a character from the Happy Days Show from the 1970s (set in 1950s)

Fonzie Fake ID

For our Final Project We Needed To Complete 6 Stars Worth

Check out my Final Project Sites Here

Wagstaff Logo

Wagstaff Bumper Sticker 1


Daily Creates Were 2 per week

Week 13

Clean Shoefie

My Day In Icons

Week 14


Toy Story 3

My apologies for this writeup for being short, sweet and to the point but I am running out of time and need to get back to a research paper due tomorrow.