The Terrifying Guineasaurus

October 6, 2014

For this daily create, called “Your weird and wonderful DS106 letterhead”, I used GIMP to create a letterhead that included some of the things we’ve done so far in the class. Starting with a blank white layer, I downloaded a frequency image (to represent The Wire) from Google to use as the separator for the letterhead. After taking a screenshot of the DS106 Assignments page, I cut, pasted, and positioned the different assignment icons under the text “DS106 #4LIFE!” (in a downloaded font called “Athlete”). Below is the finished product!


October 7, 2014

I laughed out loud after seeing the “Evil guinea pigs” daily create. Right after reading the title, I immediately thought of a South Park episode (which I think is called “Pandemic”?) that included a bunch of monster guinea pigs (or more so guinea pigs dressed in monster costumes). They aren’t so intimidating… take a look below:
