Video Mash-Up: “The Wire” Edition

For my second mash-up assignment this week (yes, I am on a roll today!) I did “The Contest Nobody Could Win (Video Mash Up Edition)” (2 stars). I chose this originally wanting to do some of my favorite movies but because one of our assignments has to be with “The Wire” I decided to do that. Plus I already have many of the episodes of the first season on my computer from the video essay assignment in the last two week session. So I took those and made a mash-up of 2 second clips that I thought were important. I didn’t go over the 2 seconds except for the last clip, it is about two and a half seconds.

How I did it:

I opened Windows Live Movie Maker and clicked on Home>Add Videos and Photos. I imported the first episode and cut it down to the section that I wanted. I chose the sections by what I thought defined the show well. I hit Edit>Set Start Point where I wanted the clip to start and Edit>Set End Point where I wanted the clip to end. I did the same thing for the remaining 5 clips. I then saved it “For Computer” and uploaded it to so it could be converted. Unfortunately I tried to upload it to YouTube before I did this and it was rejected. If zamzar does not work I don’t know what I am going to do. Sometimes the videos that I try to convert don’t work when I try to blog them.

Hopefully, here it is:

Wire Video MashUp