Baltimore Wire Radio Show

I listen to the Baltimore Wire Radio Show. I really like the intro song which was also “The Wire” intro song. I love the side effect for the track phone lol that was very funny ! Your radio show had a great radio sound, it sounded like I was listen to the actual radio in my car. “You give me the time, I’ll give you the time” thats a great catchy phrase. The Baltimore Wire Radio Show had great catchy phrases. I loved listening to you all radio show, just seeing how someone else did their radio show. The little Law and Order sound was pretty cool I liked that as well. When I heard the cop sound it made me think of our radio station, I remember in a few parts of our radio station we incorporated the cop sound in a few parts of our radio station. “Great Minds Think Alike” use cop sounds ! This was a great Radio Show I really like all of the commercials we incorporated one commercial in our radio show. I didn’t even think about talking about Movies in our radio show that was a great idea.  Great Job Baltimore Radio Show!!!