Story in a signature

Today I did the daily create about my signature style. My signature tells a story about myself. I know what it says because I wrote it, but the only way others can tell what it says is by watching me sign my signature; my handwriting is generally atrocious, my signature signage is indecipherable. My handwriting says I am in a hurry and that I have signed too many papers at this young age to take the time in making it look decent. My scrawl spells out “I am a journalist and don’t have time for this,” while the name behind says something different. I am unique, an Alison with one L, and named for my aunt. Elizabeth is stuck in the middle, but hardly makes it into the signature except for in the cases of deepest legality. Thoet tells the name of a family. The only other Thoets in the world are related to me. So I say a signature tells a story because if you put on your Sherlock hat, there is much you can deduce.