Daily Create: No time machine here

Today’s daily create: What would I change about my past? Hoo boy, one of these kinds of posts! Who doesn’t have moments where they look back and wish they could change how things happened? Still, in the grand scheme of things, my decision of what to change seems relatively minor compared to some of the other responses I saw. And at my age, there’s no point on dwelling on the past. I just need to learn for my mistakes when I move forward with life.


“I’m pretty young, so I don’t really have a life filled with many huge decisions where I wish I’ve made a different choice. For now, I wish I could change how I acted in high school. I went through a period where I was rude and disrespectful to those who cared about me. I wish I could slap some sense into my younger self to not be such a jerk. Other people had problems of their own, I shouldn’t try to add to them.”